it's getting hot in here.
So the lunar new year was all around us the past few weeks, that meant non stop supply of yummy goodies at every table in every home. There was pineapple tarts, kueh lapis and my all time favourite, cashew cookies.
I wanted to contribute to the festivities - make something decadent and oh so yummy.
Since I had very little time, I wanted to make something quick and yet satisfying. Then I remembered, Nigella Lawson's ultimate chocolate chip cookies receipe which she did in mere minutes. Ah, a receipe from the goddess herself.
But to make it ultra ultra indulgent, inside of using semi sweet chocolates chips, I used actual chunks of chocolate, let that slowly melt into the batter so that when you take a huge bite, it literally melts in your mouth and oozes.
There is nothing better than an oozing chocolate chunk cookie.
Take a bite of the Ultimate Chocolate Chunk Cookies after the jump.